one thing i ABSOLUTELY hate is intolerance. i hate hearing the "n" word, or people being called Jews, and all that stuff. i don't mind a little joke here or there but as long as its not a whole thing where people are total a-holes, I'm alright.
I'm going to talk about myself along with other things.
i remember in 6th grade there was a kid name Joe (not really his name but whatevvsss) and he was a very dark skinned Indian. i remember he was extremely weird, he would dance and sing and do all weird stuff in public... (kind of what i do now? LOL) . i remember one day kids were screaming at Indian accents at him telling him to go work at dunkin donuts (which he did, his dad did own one, but still its extremely rude.) i became friends with him and people started to love him because of me. now hes one of the most respected kids in high school. people love good ol joe!
and bullying. just because people are weaker makes them a perfect target for bullying. i have a personal experience to share, but that will most likely be tomorrows post. i hate seeing kids called names in the hallways. I'm 5'1" and a sophomore, and people call me midget. it doesn't bother me but i hate seeing someone called mean names... i have a high self esteem i guess LOL. i was involved in theatre for a while, and DAMN those kids get shit. "GAY" "homo!" "queer!" "Princess!" . its annoying. i have a long post that I'm debating putting now or later... ill probably do it as tomorrows post.

goodnight :D
Hi Ben!!!!!!! yay you gots a blog!