Wednesday, March 10, 2010


since your the only person who reads these anyway....
youve become a good interweb friend and it sucks how you live in CA cos a) ill never get to meet you (like youd let me anyway right? xD) and b) we never gets to play cod. why cant you be like c00k13 t0v@r? he has no life so hes always on cod when i am and we play lots!


  1. LOL I'm sure there are other people (ahem.Cherry.ahem)that read your blog but don't comment. I'm sorry I can't be on COD like Cookie just for you. You need to start getting on later or something LOL

  2. oh and another thing... i was telling Cookie last night that you'd be one of my awesome friends who I'd hang out with all the time if we had known each other outside the ps3 world. Look being friends online is no different... heck we have fun killing people together XD and making fun of those who try to bully us! TSP FTW

  3. i think me and you would be good friends outside of cod(: .
    toooo bad :(

  4. Hi Meaty, I read this too you knows. :] I'm not a low-life though, but you probably already know that seeing as you don't play with me all the time like you do that kid cookie guy. Alright, enjoy your day. Bye Bye, keep up yous post.
