Wednesday, March 10, 2010


since your the only person who reads these anyway....
youve become a good interweb friend and it sucks how you live in CA cos a) ill never get to meet you (like youd let me anyway right? xD) and b) we never gets to play cod. why cant you be like c00k13 t0v@r? he has no life so hes always on cod when i am and we play lots!

Home Sick BLOWS

so to clear things up for crystaaal i only go blogging when im on my computer. which is usually 2 or 3 times a week. last night i blogged cos crystal was all like
angry_girl.jpg image by Jaxpoetix

so i blogged last night :D

anyway, i really feel like talking about my favoritist show. Phineas and Ferb. okay. so phineas and ferb. a lot of my friends at school would say, "DOOD omg why do you watch that show?" but after convincing them that it really was funny just give it a chance, its almost funny how many people watch the show now at my school. if YOU dont watch it then you should. here is why!

this is phineas!
he is cool. idk... but everything he does makes me laugh.

ferbFletcher1.jpg Ferb F. image by sena_uekiFERB!
okay so i like ferb cos he never talks. AND WHEN HE DOES TALK ITS BRITISH! common, who doesnt like a british kid with green hair!

this is perry the platypus. when hes with phineas or ferb hes a regular platypus... but every day he goes off on a mission and becomes...
he really is the best part of the show cos he fights
DR DOOFENSHMIRTZ! he is the evil villain. weird riiiggghhttT? well im tired of blogging. k bye :D

love meaty, the scary meatball who is big.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Crystal this is for you


love meaty :D

@nd 1 l0v3 c00k13t0v@r

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


idk where to start with this one really LOL.

i guess middle school? wow. i had the greatest teachers, and no one drank or did drugs back them... so everyone was basically amazing ahah. i had a lot of friends. more than i have now. but once eighth grade rolled around (middle school for us is 7 and 8) a lot changed. people did drugs, people drank and people were total assholes. a lot of rumors started going around about me when i was out for a long time cos of crohn's. i really didnt like being called "diseased kid" from the kids that didnt know me and just thought i was a popular prick. i hated all the rumors going around about me and everything. i started becoming an asshole to all my friends, and luckly the meds i had to take made that easy cos it made me hyper (hell it still makes me hyper) . after losing all of them i dont know how but i became friends with the band kids and theater kids... and they were a lot nicer then some of the other people...

so thats just a small story i hope youzz enjoy :D